Home to Pourkargar Research Group @ Kansas State University
Conference Presentations
Pourkargar D.B., Resilient multi-agent estimation and control of complex process networks (702a), Next-Gen Manufacturing Topical Conference, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2024 (Keynote Presentation)
Bagheri, A., Pourkargar D.B., A physics-informed deep learning approach to predict soil water content for agricultural decision-making (579a), AIChE Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2024
Ebrahimi, A., Pourkargar D.B., Dynamic graph-based distributed estimation and control of fast-evolving complex process networks (664f), AIChE Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2024
Bagheri, A., Cabral T.O., Pourkargar D.B., Time-series integrated surrogate modeling for control of ammonia synthesis and adsorption processes (711a), AIChE Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2024
Veloz Marmolejo C.E., Pourkargar D.B., Predictive modeling and optimal control of a particulate polysilicon reactor system for enhanced solar cell manufacturing (617c), AIChE Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2024
Ebrahimi, A., Bagheri, A., Pourkargar D.B., A distributed data-driven predictive modeling approach for cyber-process incident identification using spectral community detection (375d), AIChE Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2024
Cabral T.O., Pourkargar D.B., Predictive modeling and optimal regulation of modular hydrogen-ammonia systems with renewable energy integration for resilient chemical-energy conversion (564d), AIChE Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2024
Pourkargar D.B., Physics-informed machine learning modeling for characterization and control of plant-based meat processing systems, The 5th International Electronic Conference on Foods: The Future of Technology, Sustainability, and Nutrition in the Food Domain, 2024 (Invited Presentation)
Veloz Marmolejo C.E., Pourkargar D.B., Nonlinear model predictive control of a particulate polysilicon reactor system for enhanced solar cell production, 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM), Toronto, Canada, 2024
Ebrahimi A., Pourkargar D.B., Distributed estimation and control of process networks using adaptive community detection, 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM), Toronto, Canada, 2024
Sheikhzadeh S., Das S., Pourkargar D.B., Alavi S., Characterization of structural attributes of plant-based meat alternatives using machine learning based image analysis, Conference of Food Engineering (CoFE), Seattle, WA, 2024
Ebrahimi A., Pourkargar D.B., Distributed model predictive control of integrated process networks based on an adaptive community detection approach, American Control Conference (ACC), Toronto, Canada, 2024
Cabral T.O., Bagheri A., Pourkargar D.B., Learning-based model predictive control of an ammonia synthesis reactor, American Control Conference (ACC), Toronto, Canada, 2024
Bagheri A., Patrignani A., Ghanbarian B., Pourkargar D.B., A physics-informed machine learning approach to predict soil water content for agricultural decision-making, American Control Conference (ACC), Toronto, Canada, 2024
Ebrahimi, A., Pourkargar D.B., Distributed estimation and model predictive control of integrated nonlinear process systems using an adaptive community detection approach (295d), AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2023
Cabral T.O., Bagheri, A., Pourkargar D.B., Learning-based data reconstruction and predictive modeling of an ammonia synthesis process for state estimation and control applications (207g), AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2023
Sundberg B., Pourkargar D.B., Cyberattack awareness and resiliency of integrated moving horizon estimation and model predictive control of complex process networks, American Control Conference (ACC), San Diego, CA, 2023
Cabral T.O., Bagheri, A., Pourkargar D.B., A Deep Learning-Based Model Reduction and Control of an Ammonia Synthesis Process (12f), AIChE Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 2022
Hinkel P., Pourkargar D.B., Optimization-Based Estimation and Control of Renewable Energy-Powered Greenhouse Systems (484d), AIChE Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 2022
Hinkel P., Pourkargar D.B., Model Predictive Control of Green-Powered Zero Waste Urban Plant Factories for Sustainable Food Production (587f), AIChE Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 2022
Hinkel P., Pourkargar D.B., An integrated moving horizon estimation and model predictive control framework for semi-closed greenhouse systems, IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), Trieste, Italy, 2022
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Output feedback control of nonlinear distributed parameter systems with unknown parameters using a two-tier adaptive identification method (105d), AIChE Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2021
Pourkargar D.B., Model predictive control of integrated energy and chemical manufacturing systems (537h), AIChE Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2021
Pourkargar D.B., Jogwar S.S., Distributed model predictive control of integrated process networks: Optimal decomposition for varying operating point, American Control Conference (ACC), New Orleans, LA, 2021
Pourkargar D.B., Output feedback control of integrated lumped and distributed parameter systems using mobile sensors network (172g), AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2020
Pourkargar D.B., Jogwar S.S., Distributed model predictive control of integrated process networks using community detection (687g), AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2020
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Constrained control of dissipative distributed parameter systems via on-demand data-driven model reduction (399a), AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2020
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Control of semilinear dissipative distributed parameter systems with minimum feedback information, American Control Conference (ACC), Denver, CO, 2020
Moharir M., Pourkargar D.B., Almansoori A., Daoutidis P., Decomposition and distributed control of integrated lumped and distributed parameter process networks, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami Beach, FL, 2018
Pourkargar D.B., Moharir M., Almansoori A., Daoutidis P., Distributed estimation and nonlinear control of a benzene chlorination process (40h), AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 2018
Pourkargar D.B., Optimization-Based Control of Complex Process Networks in Smart Manufacturing: The Appearance of Cyber-Physical Systems, Cloud Computing, and Big Data Analytics (6id), AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 2018
Moharir M., Pourkargar D.B., Almansoori A., Daoutidis P., Graph representation and decomposition of diffusion-convection-reaction processes for distributed control (560a), AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 2018
Tang W., Allman A., Pourkargar D.B., Daoutidis P., Decomposition of optimization problems using community detection and its application in nonlinear model predictive control (359f), AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 2018
Moharir M., Pourkargar D.B., Almansoori A., Daoutidis P., Decomposition and distributed control of integrated lumped and distributed parameter process networks, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami Beach, FL, 2018
Pourkargar D.B., Almansoori A., Daoutidis P., Distributed model predictive control of complex plants: A systematic study of decomposition effects (497a), AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 2017
Pourkargar D.B., Moharir M., Tang W., Almansoori A., Daoutidis P., Nonlinear distributed model predictive control of gas sweetening processes (170a), AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 2017 (Best Presentation in the Session Award, Session 170: Process Control Applications)
Tang W., Pourkargar D.B., Daoutidis P., Relative time averaged gain array for distributed architecture design (497g), AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 2017
Pourkargar D.B., Optimization-based control of complex process networks: Application to medicine and energy systems (7iq), AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 2017
Pourkargar D.B., Almansoori A., Daoutidis, P., Distributed model predictive control of process networks: Impact of control architecture, 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Toulouse, France, 2017
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Spatiotemporal response shaping of transport-reaction processes via adaptive reduced order models, American Control Conference (ACC), Boston, MA, 2016
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Output Feedback Control of Transport-Reaction Processes with Unknown Parameters Using Adaptive Model Reduction with Minimum Feedback Information (582b), AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2016
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Adaptive control of chemical distributed parameter systems, 9th IFAC International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM), Whistler, Canada, 2015
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Low-dimensional adaptive output feedback controller design for transport-reaction processes, European Control Conference (ECC), Linz, Austria, 2015
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Wave motion suppression in the presence of unknown parameters using recursively updated empirical basis functions, American Control Conference (ACC), Chicago, IL, 2015 (Best Session Presentation Award in American Control Conference, 2015, Session ThA16)
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Adaptive output feedback control of transport-reaction processes via two layer system adaptations (569g), AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, 2015 (Finalist for the AIChE Computing and Systems Technology (CAST) Director’s Student Presentation Award)
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Estimation of spatially distributed processes via adaptive model reduction using mobile sensors network (583a), AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, 2015
Pourkargar D.B., Shahri S.M.K., Rioux, R.M., Armaou A., Spatiotemporal modeling and identification of CO2 adsorption columns (662d), AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, 2015
Pourkargar D.B., Robust adaptive model predictive control of chemical and biological systems (6it), AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, 2015
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Adaptive control of dissipative distributed parameter systems via recursively updated reduced order models (555f), AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2014
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Shaping the spatiotemporal dynamics of transport-reaction processes via adaptive proper orthogonal decomposition (610h), AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2014
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Estimation of distributed parameter systems using recursively updated empirical basis functions (568y), AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2014
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Robust dynamic shaping of distributed parameter systems via recursively updated empirical basis functions, Session CP7, SIAM Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2014
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Output tracking of spatiotemporal thermal dynamics in transport-reaction processes via adaptive model reduction, American Control Conference (ACC), Portland, OR, 2014
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Feedback control of linear distributed parameter systems via adaptive model reduction in the presence of device network communication constraints, American Control Conference (ACC), Portland, OR, 2014
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., A refined adaptive model reduction approach for control of fast evolving distributed parameter systems, 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), Groningen, Netherlands, 2014
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Output Feedback Control of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems via Adaptive Model Order Reduction, Department of Chemical Engineering Research Symposium, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 2014
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Control of fast evolving distributed parameter systems via information aware model reduction recursions, 11th Annual College of Engineering Research Symposium (CERS), The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 2014
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., APOD-based control of spatially distributed processes with limited sensor/controller communication bandwidth, 11th Annual College of Engineering Research Symposium (CERS), The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 2014
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Output feedback control of transport-reaction processes based on adaptive model reduction in the presence of sensor communication constraints (613a), AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Improving model reduction approaches for output feedback control of fast evolving spatially distributed processes (589c), AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Design of recursively updated reduced order dynamic observers for distributed parameter systems, Session CP4, SIAM Conference on Control and its Application, San Diego, CA, 2013
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Control of dissipative partial differential equation systems using APOD based dynamic observer designs, American Control Conference (ACC), Washington DC, 2013 (Best Session Presentation Award in American Control Conference, 2013, Session MoA14)
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Output feedback control of distributed parameter systems based on adaptive model reduction, 10th Annual College of Engineering Research Symposium (CERS), University Park, PA, 2013
Pourkargar D.B., Armaou A., Output feedback control of transport reaction processes using adaptive proper orthogonal decomposition (747d), AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 2012
Pourkargar D.B., Orkomi A.A., Boozarjomehry B.R., Thermodynamic and transport properties estimation of a complicated mixture of hydrocarbons by fuzzy clustering methods, 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA19) and the 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-7), Prague, Czech Republic, 2010
Orkomi A.A., Pourkargar D.B., Boozarjomehry R.B., Approximate fuzzy feedback linearization of amine gas sweetening plant via genetic algorithm, 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA19) and the 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-7), Prague, Czech Republic, 2010
Pourkargar D.B., Orkomi A.A., Boozarjomehry R.B., Fuzzy clustering of complex hydrocarbon mixtures, 4st International Conference of Fuzzy Information & Engineering, Amol, 2010
Pourkargar D.B., Shahrokhi M., Optimal fuzzy synchronization, 4st International Conference of Fuzzy Information & Engineering, Amol, 2010
Orkomi A.A., Pourkargar D.B., Boozarjomehry R.B., Effects of transfer function selection on optimal approximate feedback linearization of CO2 Absorption by amine solution, 1st International Regional Chemical & Petroleum Engineering Conference & 13th National Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Kermanshah, 2010
Pourkargar D.B., Shahrokhi M., Synchronization of two chaotic chemical reactors, 1st International Regional Chemical & Petroleum Engineering Conference & 13th National Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Kermanshah, 2010
Pourkargar D.B., Orkomi A.A., Boozarjomehry R.B., Fuzzy feedforward control of amine gas sweetening plant, International Conference of Control, Instrumentation and Automation (ICCIA), Tehran, 2010
Pourkargar D.B., Orkomi A.A., Boozarjomehry R.B., Control of amine gas sweetening plant by approximate fuzzy feedback linearization via genetic algorithm, International Conference of Control, Instrumentation and Automation (ICCIA), Tehran, 2010
Pourkargar D.B., Orkomi A.A., Comparison between PID and a novel model based controller in interactive chemical plants control, International Conference of Control, Instrumentation and Automation (ICCIA), Tehran, 2010​
Invited Presentations
Pourkargar D.B., Physics-informed machine learning: from process systems engineering to decoding disease and drug-delivery dynamics using organ-on-a-chip data, Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation, Los Angeles, CA, 2024
Pourkargar D.B., A learning-based multiscale predictive modeling framework for optimal control of advanced materials manufacturing systems, Materials Informatics Webinar, NASA Glenn Research Center, 2024
Pourkargar D.B., A learning-based multiscale predictive modeling and decision-making framework for integrated renewable energy and chemical manufacturing systems, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 2024
Pourkargar D.B., Optimization-based control of complex process networks, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, 2019
Pourkargar D.B., Optimization-based control of complex process networks, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering, Spring, TX, 2018
Pourkargar D.B., Optimization-based control of complex process networks, Department of Chemical Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 2018
Pourkargar D.B., Optimization-based control of complex process networks, Pfizer Global Research and Development, Groton, CT, 2018
Pourkargar D.B., Optimization-based control of complex process networks, Department of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering and Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL, 2018
Pourkargar D.B., Optimization-based control of complex process networks, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 2018
Pourkargar D.B., Optimization-based control of complex process networks, Department of Chemical, Biological and BioEngineering, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC, 2018
Pourkargar D.B., Optimization-based control of complex process networks: Handling complexity through model reduction and system decomposition, William G. Lowrie Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 2018
Pourkargar D.B., Optimization-based control of complex process networks, Distinguished Junior Researcher Seminar, Robert Frederick Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2017
Pourkargar D.B., Output feedback control of transport-reaction processes via two-layer system adaptations, Applied and Computational Mathematics Research Program, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 2015